Category: Finance.
"Everything they re doing is designed to drive things to privatization, " Rep. He was speaking about the Bush administration and especially its appointees at DOT who the Post says, are doing everything possible to transform the nation s roads and highway system towards ownership by corporations instead of the government and therefore facilitate the creation of many more pay per use toll roads.
Peter DeFazio, Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure highways and transit subcommittee told the Washington Post. Through a system of taxes, legislation and earmarks, incentives, the transformation of our roads and highways to corporately owned privitaization is rapidly approaching. The Washington Post goes on to explain that while this policy has faced serious criticism, a substantive investment in the road infrastructure is needed and The Nation s drivers are going to be the ones paying for it, either through tolls and similar charges, or through increased fuel taxes. This will equate to an increase in fees to travel the roads and congestion. But, as we see the price at the pump continues to rise, it s looking more and more unlikely that the largest portion will come via taxes. Bad enough that drivers would face tolls, that ranchers would have their land cut out from under them, but all for the financial gain of a foreign company? .
In conversations with people in Texas, it seemed that the privatized nature of the Trans Texas Corridor. Little wonder that Willie Nelson said recently that if it was up to him he would rather have an electric chair named after him than a section of the Trans Texas Corridor! "We have almost no control over the actions that our own government takes, " a woman in Texas was quoted as saying. "America is really the last beacon of liberty in the world- -the land of the free and home of the brave- -and we re letting it slip away from under our noses. " Personally I have been out in the streets for some cause or another on a weekly basis. If I am not out there warning people that we are about to lose our privacy completely with the Real ID national biometric identification card and all of its Big Brother implications then I am actively out there promoting some local seminar about some sector of the truth and freedom movement. If it isn t participating in a ten mile walk and participating in the Boston Tea Party reenactment in support of Ron Paul for president, then it is, last December being out there waking up Americans to the inherent contradictions in the official narrative conspiracy theory in explanation of the events of 911 and the need for a genuine, independent investigation, unobstructed( and I feel safe in saying that because per CBS News, at least two thirds of Americans believe that the government knows more than they have said about what happened on that day) . I can say this if we do get our liberties taken away from us then it won t be because I didn t try to preserve them. There are much simpler things that you can do which are to your own benefit while helping on the larger picture as well. But not everyone even has to do what I do.
One that comes immediately to mind is that you should become a paying member of Water4Gas. WATER4GAS is sharing information for a nominal fee which folks can use at home to put together a small device which instills hydrogen into the gasoline/ air mixture that their automobile runs on. An effective solution exists that Americans can do on their own to help with improvement inMPG without needing to wait for Big Brother to come to the rescue. What this does is make bite sized particles out of the ones that the engine uses as fuel. By doing this you can minimumly expect to reduce your gas usage by 30- 50% or significantly more. Because of the smaller size the engine gets to use a lot more of the gas. Those molecules must have been pretty darn huge in some systems before.
It also helps make emissions substantially cleaner. But with WATER4GAS they are made consumable so you can reduce your gas usage. This information has been purchased by over 9000 car owners already and happy members number about 99% ! So how about you?