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Anyone who has ever suffered from a major backache knows how central the back is, even in times you might think it isn' t important.
The lats are the large'side' muscles that make a man triangle- shaped. Even something like squeezing a tennis ball, an action that involves a focus on the fingers, forearm and bicep will involve the latissimus dorsi and other back muscles. To demonstrate how they are used during squeezing a tennis ball, try it! It's especially noticeable if you have back pain. You' ll quickly feel a tensing of the muscles on the side of the arm you use. All sports will require strong back muscles, mainly for speed and coordination, for balance and movement and also for providing a strong' pillar' for all the limbs to move off of. Most of them are better performed on a firm, but not hard surface.
Below is an outline of some simple exercises to help stretch and strengthen those all- important back muscles. While you work the muscles, you don' t want to cause undue, painful pressure on bony parts of the body. Lie back, knees raised and together, feet flat on the floor. Rotations. With your arms extended and near the body, and your palms flat on the floor, lift the feet off the ground slightly and rotate your trunk by moving the knee. Over time, as you become more flexible and build strength, you can increase the range of motion.
Move the knees slightly left, then right. Ultimately, you should be able to touch your knee to the floor. Knee to Chest. Alternate the action by crossing your arms over your chest, then repeat. Lie on your back and clasp your hands behind one thigh. Vary the action by flexing the ankle- first pointing the toe, then pulling it back toward the knee- at the same time as you stretch the leg.
Pull slowly toward the chest, keeping the other leg flat on the ground. Hold each position for 5 seconds, then switch legs and repeat. Pelvic Press. Do 10 reps. Lie down on your back, knees raised and feet flat on the floor. Vary the action by moving your feet together and performing the exercise, then slightly apart and repeat. Push the small of the back into the floor, feel the tension in the lower abdominals.
As you press into the ground, hold for 5 seconds, but continue to breath slowly and normally. On all fours, eyes forward, raise your head. Dog Stretches. Lower your arms and arch your back, then resume the, hold 2 seconds starting position. Hold 3 seconds, then put the leg back into starting position. (If this produces back, or leg pain, hip stop immediately. ) Switch legs and repeat. Slowly extend one leg, as near parallel to the floor as you can.
Vary the exercise by extending the leg with toe pointed, then flex the ankle perpendicular to the leg. Do 10 reps for each leg. Hold for 2 seconds and repeat. Pelvic Lift. Keeping the legs and knees together, raise the buttocks up slightly and hold for 5 seconds. Lie on your back, knees raised and feet flat on the ground, arms crossed over your chest.
Lower slowly, then repeat, count to two. Never perform these exercises if they produce back pain. Remember to breathe normally through the exercise, in and out slowly. Mild discomfort from inactivity is natural. Consult your physician. Pain is a signal that something is wrong.
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